COVID-19 Reporting Requirements Guide

The California legislature has enacted three separate pieces of legislation (namely SB1159, AB 685 and Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Regulations) that created different and varied reporting requirements that employers must follow when learning that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19….

December 26, 2020

COVID-19 Prevention Plan for Employers

This California COVID-19 Prevention Plan is compliant with the new Cal/OSHA regulation and California’s AB 685 notice requirement. The helpful prevention plan includes the following: Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19 Hazards Investigations Training Physical Distancing, Face Coverings, and Engineering and…

December 15, 2020

AB 685 – COVID-19 Notice and Reporting Obligations

Key Points The Legislature passed AB 685, which establishes mandatory COVID-19 notification requirements. Before being passed, the bill was updated to indicate presumption of retaliation for unfavorable employment actions and removed the $10,000 penalty provisions. Notification requirements do not apply…

September 10, 2020