DIR Employer Required Postings

Some federal and state regulations and statutes require employers to notify their employees of certain rights and/or obligations. All employers in the State of California must comply with certain workplace posting requirements which includes posting the information in areas easily…

January 12, 2021

COVID-19 Prevention Plan for Employers

This California COVID-19 Prevention Plan is compliant with the new Cal/OSHA regulation and California’s AB 685 notice requirement. The helpful prevention plan includes the following: Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19 Hazards Investigations Training Physical Distancing, Face Coverings, and Engineering and…

December 15, 2020

Cal/OSHA Emergency COVID Regulation: Overview and Resources

Overview On November 19, 2020, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board passed a new emergency temporary COVID-19 standard. The standard (8 CCR §3205) now goes to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for approval and will likely go into effect by the…

December 15, 2020

Cal/OSHA Cites and Fines Employers for COVID-19 Violations

The California Department of Industrial Relations recently issued a News Release (Number 2020-76) reporting that Cal/OSHA has cited and fined 11 employers for not protecting employees from Covid-19 exposure.  The employers were cited for various violations, including some classified as…

September 24, 2020

Limiting COVID-19 in the Workplace

It seems that the coronavirus might not be going away any time soon, and taking safety precautions at work may seem tedious after a few months. Fortunately, LAPFCA is here to lend a helping hand. A great step to preventing…

September 1, 2020