On Tuesday, December 7th, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a COVID-19 vaccine mandate covering county contractors and “contractor employees who work alongside county workers, interact with the public and work on county property”. The mandate is an urgency ordinance that takes effect immediately, but contractors will have until January 1, 2022 to comply.
It also required that all new or amended County contracts include standard contracting language requiring contractors to vaccinate their employees as a condition of doing business with the County.
Both employees and contractors may request a medical or religious exemption and if granted would instead be required to undergo weekly testing for COVID-19.
Click here to view LA County’s Application to Request a Religious Exemption.
Click here to view LA County’s Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda from December 7th.
This content was provided by WPCCA professional counsel and is for general informational purposes only. Readers should contact their own professional counsel for company specific matters in the relevant jurisdiction.